SEEDS Asia English website

Distribution Event of Education Supplies in Northern Cebu [Philippines]

In Bogo City, Cebu,26th Feb,2014

SEEDS Asia is conducting distribution of education supplies in affected areas of the typhoon Hayan

in Philippines with financial support by Japan Platform.

On February 26, SEEDS Asia successfully distributed the school kits to 2 schools in Bogo City

namely La Paz Elementary School and Malingin Elementary School.

The distribution event was graced by representatives from DepEd and officials from

Bogo City Government plus the teachers, principals and the students which were very happy of the kits that they received.

Councilor from Bogo City Government in-charge of the Education (gave inspirational speech),

including the Head of the Social Welfare Department and Tourism Office attended.

Bogo City was heavily affected by the typhoon but aids were shortage.

In particular, the principal of Malingin Elementary School cried when SEEDS Asia visited

first time with appreciation of our visit because SEEDS Asia was the first organization of

visit to the school after the typhoon. It was impressed that a teacher said to the principa

l and SEEDS Asia staff after the distribution event “our principal will not cry anymore

because we received such an wonderful support from SEEDS Asia today”, with smiling.


In Daanbandayan, Cebu, 27th Feb,2014

On February 27, SEEDS Asia successfully distributed the school kits to 2 schools in Daanbantayan

Municipality namely Somimbang Elementary School and Bitoon Elementary School.
Mayor of the municipality came to Sominbang Elementary School to attend the distribution event.

It is the first time for the mayor to come to the school. It’s been a pleasure.
Before the distribution, staff of SEEDS Asia explained that this distribution is carried out

with the funding by Japan Platform (JPF), which gathered donation from Japanese people and

companies. In addition, this distribution would not be possible without local support

such as Department of Education (DepEd), City/Municipality and Schools.

Appreciation to cooperation by locals were also expressed.

Sticker, in which there are three logo; JPF, DepEd and SEEDS,

was handed out with school supplies. Teachers explained to students

“You should paste the sticker on school kits you got with your appreciation to support from Japan!”
At the last, students harmorized “Arigato-gozaimasu (Thank you very much in Japanese)”.
Thank you very much for cooperation by all of relevant organizations.



