JICA training “Strategy for Resilient Societies to Natural Disasters” [Japan]
SEEDS Asia was invited as a lecturer in the JICA training by Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication entitled “Strategy for Resilient Societies to Natural Disasters” and took charge in two (2) sessions namely: Disaster Risk Reduction Education, and Overseas Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction, respectively on 30th January and 3rd February. Participants were from India, Egypt, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Saint Christopher and Navis, all of them government officials in charge of DRR.
Regardless of different nations or regions, there are universal similarities, and individual characteristics of countries and communities. Key is how to institutionalize these into planning, conduct of drills and implementation. This requires contextualization and cannot be realized just through transient events. It is hoped that through the training sessions, not only transfer of knowledge and skills but also the importance of such attitude to take a step forward in cherishing communities and people, was understood by the participants.