SEEDS Asia English website

Memories and Records of Disasters in Asia

25 years ago today at 5:46 in the morning, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake took place (1995). Massive ground shaking caused damage to buildings, roads and other infrastructure, and fires breaking out here and there. Kobe, known as a prospering trading port and known for its beauty, was covered by fires, smoke and in dust in an instance, with 6,434 people’s lives lost forever.
This huge disaster still causes deep pains in our hearts and scarred our hometowns, however, it also has taught a lot of lessons that should be shared to the world. The significance of DRR through linkage within and among communities, to name one, has been incorporated as an action guideline of the world’s DRR initiatives as Hyogo Framework for Action 2005 – 2015.
To protect lives that are supposed to be protected in possible disasters, SEEDS Asia will continue our efforts to make communities and people capable to save lives, linkage and hopes for the future from disasters in Asia.
We shall send our sincerest condolences to those who have lost their precious lives, and wish all that remember this day a peaceful day.
