SEEDS Asia English website

Preparation meetings for Teachers’ training [Philippines]

March 26-27 and April 4-5, 2018 – SEEDS Asia conducted a 4 days’ workshop with School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Instructing Team (SDRRM-IT) in Cebu City for the Session guide critiquing and dry run of PowerPoint presentation for each topic in preparation to the upcoming 5.5 days Pilot School Teacher’s Training this April. The teacher’s training will be participated by 120 school heads and confirmed teachers of 10 chosen Pilot Schools. SEEDS Asia was glad to have invited Mr. Emiliano Elnar, CLMD Chief of Department of Education Region 7, who also critiqued the session guides from the DRR Education project. He was able to discussed the importance of having a session guide to smoothly achieve the objectives. The session guides of the said SDRRM-IT Trainers who are also the speakers during the training were critiqued to come up with a very good quality of training program delivery. This workshop also enabled the trainers to practice in presenting their respective topics.
