SEEDS Asia English website

MoU signing with Daanbantayan Mayor [Philippines]

February 14– After the safety inspection meeting with a school, SEEDS Asia also had a meeting with the Mayor of Daanbantayan Municipality, Hon. Vicente Loot for the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in support to the project on School DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management). The Mayor already have an existing program where youth in the whole municipality specifically senior high school students should be trained as Junior Emergency Responders in times of Disaster which he was aiming for 2-3 Barangays per week. He is forecasting about 100 Barangays to be trained on Disaster Response. The mayor was thankful that SEEDS Asia reached out for assistance as this is a big help to disseminate information and coordination about Disaster Preparedness especially in schools. Since Daanbantayan was badly hit by typhoon Haiyan, the municipality aims to have only one protocol for a smooth response– this is for the people in Daanbantayan to be educated and resilient when disaster comes. Also shared by Daanbantayan Municipality and its Mayor’s pages.
