SEEDS Asia English website

Safety inspection manual MTG [Philippines]

February 14, 2018 – Despite the rainy Valentines day, SEEDS Asia was able to conduct its 3rd coordination meeting for Safety Inspection Manual at Daanbantayan, Cebu. The meeting was hosted by the Barangay Council and all 7 councils were present to listen to the presentation and discussion. There was a series of presentation from the Barangay regarding their DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management) related system, ordinances, and policies showing how prepared the Barangay to respond during disaster and showed their willingness to assist the school on this matter. Though there was a cancelation of classes during the time, the SDRRM team of Daanbantayan Central Elementary School were all present and discussed the existing practices on safety inspection in their school. The meeting also attended by Mr. Tilano Dublin, the MDRRMO (Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office) Chief of the province, who presented the plans, activities and budget for DRRM of the municipality. It was a momentous meeting as concerns raised were resolved between the school and the Barangay.
