SEEDS Asia English website

Safety Inspection Manual MTG [Philippines]

January 31, 2018 SEEDS Asia conducted its first coordination meeting for Safety Inspection Manual at Beatriz D. Durano Memorial High School, Danao City. Different partners attended the meeting for consultation of inputs for the Safety Inspection Manual such as the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Danao City particularly representatives from the Office of the Building Official (OBO), Local DRRM Office, and the Barangay Council. Also, other attendees were confirmed teachers who will be the School DRRM Team and Mr. Christopher Besin, one of the core trainers for the second long-term project of SEEDS Asia. Each presented through power point their plans, projects, activities and ordinances related to DRRM that can help School DRRM Team in making the manual. On February 1, 2018, another confirmation meeting was held in Bogo City. Attendees were OBO of the City of Bogo, Division Engineer, the confirmed teachers of the City of Bogo Science and Arts Academy and Ms. Manilyn Jeah Andales, DRRM Coordinator of Bogo City Division. The OBO and Division Engineers of both LGUs discussed safety inspection in public schools and answered questions raised during the meeting such as requirements on building construction and safety precautions.
Overall, the confirmed teachers of both Pilot Schools were excited for the training of teachers this April and in making the Manual due to the support of other stakeholders.
