SEEDS Asia English website

DRR Photo Exhibition [Bangladesh]

February 9 to 11, the first DRR photography competition was held in Dhaka! SEEDS Asia and Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) launched a DRR photo competition in November last year, aiming to raise public awareness on DRR and got more than 250 entries, among which the selected 50 photos were exhibited. Photos from Kobe Newspaper, Japan were also exhibited to tell the experience of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. DRR information booth was also set up, on the first day, to show mechanism of natural hazards such as earthquake and introduce our DRR model communities’ activities to prepare for disaster. Many citizens of Dhaka, DNCC Mayor and officials, renowned photographers, professors, DRR model communities, urban volunteers, and media houses visited the exhibition. On the last day, Mr.Naganuma from Kobe Newspaper, Japan, visited Dhaka and explained photos he brought from Kobe to Mayor and photo competition participants. Exciting award ceremony was held to announce the best 10 photos selected by the jury board, which will be exhibited in Japan in April!
