SEEDS Asia English website

Climate Change Caravan, Training in Naga [Philippines]

December 1 and 4, 2017 – SEEDS Asia was invited to witness and to give an inspirational message during the Simultaneous Climate Change Regional Caravan 2017 held in Department of Education Region and Orientation-Workshop on DepEd (Department of Education) School DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction Management) Manuals for School Heads and School DRRM Coordinators in the City of Naga. Climate Change Caravan was spearheaded by Department of Education Disaster Risk Reduction Management Service (DRRMS) in coordination with DepEd Region VII to educate the school heads and school DRRM coordinators about DRR Management and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM) while Workshop on DepEd SDRRM Manual is a roll out about Comprehensive DRRM in Basic Education Framework and four thematic areas of DRRM.
