SEEDS Asia English website

Teachers and students interviewed by NHK World [India]

Two teachers, Ms. Preeti Mehratra and Ms. Ankita Pandey and two students, Ms. Pragya Upadhyay and Ms. Kopal Kapoor from the Aryan International School were interviewed by NHK World, which was a Japanese broadcasting agency. The school has been selected one of five climate schools (CSs) in the BHU and the SEEDS Asia joint project and expected to become the focal point of disaster risk reduction education/climate change education. The teachers of CSs have been given a training on these themes in order for them to become an educator for their own students as well as neighbouring schools.
Today, NHK World asked the two teachers and two students whether the training made a difference in their daily lives. Their interview will be on air on 15th September 2016. It will be watched in 15 countries.

The summary of their comments;
<Ms. Preeti Mehratra (Social study teacher)>
“My understanding of disaster risk reduction has been deepened through the training. For example, there was a flood in July. Our school was closed but teachers came to school. The students’ hostel was provided as a shelter and food was given to the flood-affected people to meet their basic needs. Since teachers knew what we should do for such a situation thanks to the training, we could help them appropriately”.

<Ms. Ankita Pandey (Biology teacher)>
“Knowledge is something that is not only gained but also should be or can be used. It is important how to implement it. What we learnt in the training was practical. To take my own experience for example, in the recent floods, my home was close to the flooded area. I could educate families and community people about how to evacuate, what security measurements were, how to maintain mental peace and so on.

<Ms. Pragya Upadhyay>
“We can gain disaster-related knowledge in geography class but the knowledge I obtained in the training was more practical. I shared what I had learnt with my families and friends immediately after the training. My change before and after the training is that I check the weather before going to school to know whether I should bring an umbrella or not. Besides this, I am taking part in making a students’ newspaper, Prahari, which has given me an opportunity to develop my understanding of Varanasi as well as nurture my capacity of writing and communication skills with other students. Through these activities, I will be able to become a knowledgeable citizen”

<Ms. Kopal Kapoor>
“I used to think that it was the government that should take responsibility to look after disaster-affected people. The training, however, have changed my idea. I now think that: everyone has a role to play in the disaster risk reduction and so we will do something for it. The knowledge gained through the training is useful right now when we have the floods; it will remain helpful to help others in the future”




