damege by the rising Ganges River [India]
The SEEDS Asia staff visited the Gopi Radha Balika School in Ravindrapuri, designated as a shelter by the District Magistrate. Schools are closed for two days this week to provide refuge to people affected by the rising Ganges River. There are 150 people living in the school with access to fresh water and coking facilities.
Mrs. Duruga Rai, arrived in the school with her two children and husband on August 22nd. She explained she is aware the river rises during the rainy season but she and her husband decided to build their house close to Samner Ghat, the banks, because they could not afford to live in a safe area. She said parts of her house, a one bedroom shack with a tin roof built close to Samner Ghat has been washed away. ‘We did not want to leave but the water rose steadily and up to my chest. The children were living on higher ground in a separate building when it was raining hard last week but then we all decided we had to leave when we saw the dangerous conditions’, she said.
SEEDS Asia has been working on disaster risk management with these community people.