SEEDS Asia English website

Core Team Training Day 3 [Philippines]

On April 22, the 3rd day of the Core Team training, the topics were town watching – map making and school walking – map making. Assuming the Department of Education Region VII Office as a school and its surrounding area as a community, members walked around and found out various hazards in their Office and the community.












A member, Mr. Elnar suggesting and volunteering to start the day with singing a song












Walking on a street next to the DepEd Region VII Office – there are so many hazards that they cannot walk fast












A trunk mysteriously hung by so many electric wires in the air – an absolute hazard!












Members taking picture, taking note and identyfing possible hazards












Map making
















There is nothing but hazards on the street!












A member, Ms. Ponce presenting what they found after school walking












Group photo!











