SEEDS Asia English website

Coordination with LGUs [Philippines]

During the HQ Coordinator’s visit in Cebu, SEEDS Asia’s members visited LGUs (local government units) of the first project sites; Danao City, Bogo City and Daanbantayan Municipality on February 23rd and 24th. Since this project focuses on DRR education with the cooperation of local communities, it is essential to keep a sound relationship with LGUs. Thanks to DRRM representatives and other relevant officials, we had fruitful discussions and exchanged various kinds of DRR-related information. We concluded the meetings with unified determination towards strengethened DRR education by cooperating each other.












SEEDS Asia’s presentation at City Hall of Danao














SEEDS Asia’s presentation at City Hall of Bogo













Meeting with Bogo City’s City Administrator












Group photo with the DRRM officer and City Administrator of Bogo City











SEEDS Asia’s presentation in Daanbantayan Municipality










Group photo with the DRRM officer and Environment and Natural Resources officer of Daanbantayan Municipality
