SEEDS Asia English website

DRR Training for All Educational Staff in Hue Province [Vietnam]

On 25th and 26th of April, Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Training was carried out to 40 education staff of Hue Province following the one in Quang Nam conducted at the beginning of April.


Trainers were 4 teachers selected from 7 DRR core schools in Danang City as the last training. Based on the lessons from the training in Quang Nam, the following points were considered in preparation for this training:


1) Increase reality of being hit by natural disasters

2) Add pictures/illustrations to presentation sheets for better understanding

3) Create indoor-programs that all trainees could actively participate in

4) Create outdoor-programs that all trainees could learn moving their bodies.


8 programs were developed and conducted by the teachers considering above-mentioned points: video show, lesson-plan making, emergency-bag making, TV reporting, drawing and DRR map making. All of them are participatory style and intended to be practiced in groups. As a result, all the 40 trainees seemed to learn seriously with fun.


Trainees consisted of 3 kinds of education staff: officials from Department/Bureau of Education and Training of Hue Province, staff from school management (Principal/Vice-principal), and teachers. Especially, the rate of education management staff was quite high, and that we wish they felt the necessity that DRR lesson would be included in regular subjects. Their sincere attitude would make this expectation realize in near future.



*Photos below are of the programs carried out during the training.




