SEEDS Asia English website

TOT to Quang Nam educational staff [Vietnam]

Last July, DRR Training of Teacher (TOT) was carried out to 88 teachers at 7 DRR core schools in Danang city. This time-TOT was implemented to 37 educational staff of Quang Nam province, where is  located in the south 4hr-carride away from Danang,  for 2 days, April 3rd and 4th.


The leadership of last year-TOT was SEEDS Asia staff. After that, trained teachers developed DRR classes to their students. Through achievement of implemented DRR classes, school & Bureau of Education & Training-sides and SA-side cooperated to select 4 qualified teachers on points of teaching content and method. Thus, this-TOT was mainly led by them.


I burst into cheering “Bravo!”  Please have a look of the following 3 developments.


#1:  4 presenters, who were in passive attitude at last TOT, showed qualified DRR presentation and a game, which attracted trainees. The background of wonderful attainments was supposed to involve a holding of DRR model & DRR teaching aid competition and existence of their ambition on DRR.


#2: Presentation sheets made with only letters so far were inserted effective pictures and illustrations, which interested trainees. Presenters’ passion to protect students from disaster ensured to reach trainees.


#3: A presenter from a school, 100m away from seacoast and prone to be impacted by typhoon, devised a game incorporating Pepusato. The game consisted of all 4 factors of KIDA method (K: knowledge, I: interest, D: desire, A: action) developed by SEEDS Asia.


Every trainee joined it actively as if he/she were a student. A lot of effects and astonishments from this time-TOT are sure to be shared with educational staff of Quang Nam, who took a long time to come to Danang, and conveyed to the bottom of their hearts. As well as we would like to appreciate to 4 great presenters, we are very pleased to report this story to all.

