SEEDS Asia English website

Kobe study visit from Minami-Kesennuma [Tohoku/Japan]

SEEDS Asia is carrying out study visit on recovery process and community reconstruction

from the Kobe Earthquake of 1995 inviting leaders of neighborhood association and female groups

under this association in Minami-Kesennuma from 21st to 23rd February.

On the first day, the members studied the Kobe Earthquake deeply at Disaster Reduction and

Human Renovation Institution (Hito to Bousai Mirai Senta).

Afterward they visited Tsukiji Area in Amagasaki City to hear and observe case of land readjustment project in this area.

On 22 February, the second day, town watching in Nagata Ward was conducted

with a guide by a local residents and secretary of community development in this area.

On 23 February, the last day, discussion on what we [members of the neighborhood association]

can do for recovery of Kesennuma was held.

This study visit was funded by CWS Japan . Thank you.
