SEEDS Asia English website

Kobe visit by Junior High School in Kesennuma [Tohoku/Japan]

【Kobe, Japan】

from the Kobe Earthquake of 1995 inviting students and a teacher from Jonan Junior High School in Kesennuma City and a leader from a neighborhood association in this school district from 2th to 8th February.



On the first day, the party observed Sannomiya Area and American Park in the central area of Kobe City, then, studied the Kobe Earthquake deeply at Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (Hito to Bousai Mirai Senta).







On 7th February, the second day of the study visit on recovery process from the Kobe Earthquake of 1995, a workshop on making candles which are always used on the memorial day of the Kobe Earthquake was carried out in cooperation with Takatori Church and Takatori Community Center. After that, town watching in Nagata Ward was conducted with a guide by FM YY observing reconstructed streets. At the last, discussion on what we [students] can do for recovery of Kesennuma was held.





On 8th February, the last day of the study visit on recovery process from the Kobe Earthquake of 1995, we visited an exchange session between culture club of Nagata Junior High School and Council of Shiriike Fureai Community Development. The exchange activity is that junior high school students teach the elderly how to use PC and the elderly teach the students local culture and history. After that, students of Kesennuma received interview by FM YY. It was on air on the day. In the noon, the party left for Kesennuma from Shin-Kobe Station safely though Shinkansen train delayed due to heavy snowing.





This study visit was funded by CWS Japan . Thank you.
