Become a member
Your interest and actions keep SEEDS Asia going in Asia.
To become a member of SEEDS Asia:
1. Regular Member (Annual Fee: 10,000 yen)
As a Regular Member, you can join our activities and in the administration of SEEDS Asia. We have a General Meeting every year, where members can participate and contribute to SEEDS Asia’s development. There are no special requirements or qualifications – Anyone can join!
2. Associate Member
We look forward to welcome you as an associate member if you support our programs/projects. No special requirements or qualifications to be an associate member.
1) Individual (Annual Fee: 3,000 yen)
2) Group/Company (Annual Fee: 30,000 yen)
AGREEMENTAll members need to agree to our activities based on the Articles of Association – Chapter 3.
1. Membership Regular Member: Individual or party that agrees to the purpose of SEEDS Asia
2. Admission
3. Term of Membership
4. Membership Fee
5. Forfeiture of membership
6. Withdrawal
7. Expulsion
8. Non-refund of donation |
If you agree to the above agreement, please download the Membership Application Form and send it to rep* (please replace * with @)