SEEDS Asia English website

Kick-off Workshop at Pathein hotel [Myanmar]

“Project for Capacity Building on DRR in Disaster Risk Area”

has been launched on 1st October (March 2016 end).

On 31st October, SEEDS/MES/RRD/JICA organised Kick off Workshop in Pathein Hotel

with the presence of Honourable Chief Guests, H.E Mr. U Thein Aung, Region Chief Minister

for Ayeyarwardy Region, and many of Region Ministers for Social Affairs, Development Affairs,

Transport, Economic Planning, Agriculture and Livelihood, Region Parliament members,

Mr. Tanaka, Chief Representative from Japan International Cooperation Agency, JICA Myanmar,

U Aung Myint Vice president and U Koko Gyi, General Secretary of Myanmar Engineering Society (MES).


Township education officers and General Administrative Departments from target townships

and concerned ministry officials are invited to share the aim of the project and discuss the

further process and collaboration. Appreciation again to those who are supporting this

project! The even is scheduled to be on TV 1st November, or 2nd November through SkY Net.


Workshop report (ENG)

20131112 Kick off WS Report[SEEDS] includes chart[FINAL]

Workshop report (MY)

FINAL Kick off WS Report[SEEDS] MM version (1)

