SEEDS Asia English website

Workshop on DRR & ESD in Myanmar [Myanmar]

As the on going project the supported from

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan,

SEEDS Asia Myanmar Team organized a Workshop on ESD and Disaster Risk Reduction

in Nay Pyi Taw on 21st August, 2013.


This workshop aimed to share the existence of good practice of ESD

inside and outside of the country and to understand more about ESD

with the link of DRR.


Resource person from Myanmar and Japan including from

Kesennuma city Education board who led ESD movement

and shared the actual stories how ESD worked out during

and after East Japan Earthquake 2011.

United Nation has set 2005-2014 as United Nation Decade

for Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD),

UNESCO has been leading agency to promote ESD

by supporting schools to register as UNESCO

Associated School Network(ASP Net) in the world.


In Myanmar, Kungyangon BEHS (1) received award in 2012

with the theme of disaster risk reduction given by

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO-Japan)

award which promotes ESD. As their activity on DRR were considered to

have the element of ESD as good practice such as networking and utilizing

and sharing the resources with many stakeholders; community, TEO, PTA, NGOs etc.
For this Workshop, Yamasa Corpoaration also supported this workshop, too.
