SEEDS Asia English website

High-level meeting on science and technology in DRR research [Myanmar]

The high-level meeting on the integration of science and technology into disaster risk reduction in Myanmar was held at Myanmar Engineering Society on 7th October 2016. In total 64 people including 5 from the government, 42 academics from 14 universities, 6 from technical institutes and 11 from civil society organizations participated in the meeting. They discussed about actions for science and technology based DRR in Myanmar aligning with the global “Science and Technology Roadmap and Outcome of 1st Asia Science Technology Conference for DRR held in Bangkok in August 2016.” Coastal Community Resilience Index (CCRI) survey conducted by SEEDS Asia in cooperation with Yangon Technological University (YTU) and Climate and Disaster Resilience Index survey in cooperation with Dagon University were introduced as case studies of DRR research in Myanmar. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Khine Mye, Director General of Alterative Education Department / Ministry of Education, U Win Khine Moe, Director General Research and Innovation Department / Ministry of Education, U Aung Myint, the President of Myanmar Engineering Society (MES), and Dr. Rajib Show, Board Chairman of SEEDS Asia signed the outcome document (minutes) including actions reflected by discussions and inputs of the participants. This document will be utilized for investment and development of science and technology into DRR research in Myanmar.


