SEEDS Asia English website

5th-year Memorial from Cyclone Nargis [Myanmar]

Cyclone Nargis took the lives of 138,366 (as official record) in 2008. Today, it marked 5th-year  memorial from the disaster.

All staff from SEEDS Asia in Myanmar also prayed for the affected people, and we determined ourselves to keep contributing for risk reduction in Myanmar. Myanmar, one of the highest disaster risk countries in Asia, needs more assistance to mitigate the risk in all area. Let’s work together to enhance the capacity of the people to cope with any coming disasters in this country.

Here, we would like to share some comments from our Myanmar Staff to describe the current situation in the filed;

“It’s already 5 years that cyclone Nargis had struck delta region in Myanmar and many people lost their lives and properties because of that disaster. What will be happening if another cyclone like Nargis comes again now? Do they have enough shelters? Do they have enough knowledge? Do they have enough capacity? I believe that they are still trying to recover and make a resilient society. —Thinn Hlaing Oo, Administration Officer

“ Five years after Nargis, I have seen and felt the people in the area became more aware of the risk of cyclone, flood and others. But they are still in need to take actions for improving their resilience to sustain their life.” —by Ye Kyaw Thu , MKRC Operation Officer


“I felt deeply sorrow when I heard and saw about the cyclone Nargis happened in my country and caused a lot of people who lost families and properties. I do really hope that everything would be ok and never suffering such a terrible way in the future of Myanmar. So I want everyone of Myanmar get to know the way of coping and preparing to reduce the risk of disasters.—by Jiji , MKRC training officer

“It has been 5 years after cyclone Nargis. I express my sympathy to all affected people who lost their family members. I wonder whether the people in Delta region have enough awareness, preparedness and capacity building after Nargis. Are they strong enough to protect their lives for future disasters? I hope that all can be safe from devastating disasters and get high capacity building among community.” —by Soe Sandy Lin (assistant to Administrative officer)
“I would like to encourage the public to participate in DRR training to reduce the risk of disasters and loss of live by preparing for coming disasters. —by Timmy, Driver of MKRC”


