SEEDS Asia English website

Orientation session and Workshop on DRR [Myanmar]

Orientation session and Workshop on “Training-Research-Action” on DRR
was organized by SEEDS Asia as Myanmar Consortium for Capacity Development on Disaster Management (MCCDDM) on 20th and 21st at the brand new building of Disaster Management Training Centre(DMTC) of Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD), Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement , Myanmar,with technical support from Asian University network on Environment and Disaster Management (AUEDM) and Supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).With the presence of Deputy Director General of RRD, 104 participants from government officials from Nay Pyi Taw and Ayeyawarddy Region and Universities attended. Thank you for all for this event to be realised as first training at the DMTC!

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