SEEDS Asia English website

DRR Seminor in Danang 【Vietnam】

On March 15 and 15, 2014, as the occasion of the 40th anniversary diplomatic Japan- Vietnam friendship,

under the approval by Danang People’s Committee, Japan Business Association in Danang & SEES Asia

in cooperation with Danang Department of Foreign Affairs, Disaster Risk Management (DRM)

seminar was held for Vietnamese and Japanese companies.

Throughout this seminar held on the 1st day, DRM lectures & experiences were given & shared for raising

their Disater Risk Reduction (DRR) knowledge and know-how for responsing disasters.

On the 2nd day, DRR festival was carried out in Phan Chau Trinh high school

in cooperation with Danang Japan Business Association Danang,

where many DRR activities were conducted by 7 DRR core-school teachers

in Danang and interested & attracted many students and residents for joining.

Also the demonstration of Japanese-style Soup-Kitchen was introduced to all participants,

and Tonjiru, suop including pork, and Onigiri, rice-ball, were served.
