New project on support for migrant Myanmar students [Myanmar]
Since March 2024, SEEDS Asia’s new project to support children who have migrated from Myanmar to Mae Tao began. In April 2024, SEEDS Asia visited Mae Tao to agree on an implementation plan among stakeholders and procure equipment for the project.
In this project, we partner with Mae Tao Clinic in the delivery of an education program to enhance children’s response capacity to multi-risks towards strengthened child protection.
We put an emphasis on providing ICT devices to address human trafficking, sexual offenses, drug trades, child soldier recruiting, and cyber-bullying and -sexual abuses. Children in need to learn those risks surrounding Internet uses and ethical action in order not to be either offenders nor victims.
The children we work with are at a high volatility in terms of locations: unable to return or settle, which indicates exposure to various risks. SEEDS Asia are committed to protecting them from such risks and creating a positive future.