SEEDS Asia English website

Board meeting and general assembly 2022 [HQ/Japan]

On 3rd June, SEEDS Asia’s annual board meeting and general assembly were held on Mita Campus of Keio University. Board members, controllers, members and advisors participated both online and face-to-face from Delhi, India, Sunshine Coast, Australia, Kobe, Tokyo, Nara, and Sendai.
The fiscal year 2021 (Apr. 2021 – Mar. 2022) has witnessed a lot of change: losses of lives and the deprivation of ‘ordinary days’ caused by disasters, continued impacts of COVID-19, political instability in Myanmar, and attacks on Ukraine.

Amid these calamities, SEEDS Asia celebrated its 15th anniversary since it’s foundation in 2006. On 4th September 2021, board members as well as current and past staff members from different locations in Asia gathered online to view videos of the organization’s history and of messages from project sites. All participants shared the joy of meeting each other again, and it was a pleasure to be reminded of the unique chance of working as a team – among different people at different times in different places.
Looking back at 2021, there were several key achievements despite difficulties. In Myanmar, the project in Hinthada district was completed. The construction of Wa boet Chin boet Basic Education Primary School was completed, thanks to the generosity of many people who had wished for an early resumption of education for the local children in the middle of unstable social situations and COVID-19. The school facilities are now being used as a venue for learning, and as a community center for disaster risk reduction activities.

In Bangladesh, the project in Dhaka North City was completed. In this project, rainwater harvesting systems were established and are now being used in two schools, which have been tested in disaster education classes and simulation drills in collaboration with the community. Video materials for disaster awareness-raising were developed for a city-wide campaign.

In the Philippines, Typhoon Odette (internationally known as Rai) struck its Central Visayas Region in December. SEEDS Asia responded to this emergency with the help of generous donations by the public, by providing generator sets that was in high demand. This initiative was followed by a six month-project for the education continuity in schools affected by the typhoon.

In the project in Nagano, Japan, collaborative efforts in partnership with the Naganuma District Disaster Recovery Planning Committee and its Community Recovery Subcommittee were undertaken. This included collecting opinions and visualizing the community’s charms, local residents’ hopes and challenges faced. As part of a disaster preparedness initiative, support for Toba Elementary School teachers in the curriculum management and promotion of disaster risk reduction education based on Education for Sustainable Development was provided through SEEDS Asia’s Technical Adviser and staff. In addition to all these activities, the My Hometown event connecting online children of ten schools in five countries of SEEDS Asia’s operations was organized. This enabled schoolchildren in Japan to experience use of English, exchange of opinions and communication with others of different backgrounds. We hope this has fostered a long-lasting friendship to tackle global issues together.

None of these achievements would have been possible without the extensive help of various stakeholders. We are certain that expanding these kinds of linkages and cooperation will be a positive force to overcome unprecedented crises. We humbly look forward to your continued kind support and cooperation.
