SEEDS Asia English website

DRR Awareness Raising Campaign at Aryan International School [India]

On 17th November, Aryan International School orgnanised DRR Awareness Campaign to raise awareness on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) with school students, parents, teachers, society members and outreach schools. Mr. Chopra, chairman of the school declared the rule of wearing mask durinf commuting to all students in front of parents. This decision was made based on the previous session on air pollutions and its drill, and SEEDS Asia respect this decision to protect students from pollutants. Mr. Ganesh, the principal of the school shared his experiences and learnings during Japan Study Visit in 2017and Ms. Ankita Pandey explained the achievements and activities as Climate school in past almost three years. Out- reach schools also joined the events and SEEDS Asia introduced project video, DRR mobile application “Be-Safe” and DRR Citizen Activity Promotion Centre (DRR-CAP) which is scheduled to open on 20th December 2018 in Varanasi! We truly wish the citizens of Varanasi will continue learn and act to make the city resilient!
