SEEDS Asia English website

National Conference on SDRRM,EARTH Training [Philippines]

On July 31st, SEEDS Asia together with Department of Education (DepEd) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS) organized 1st National Conference on the Promotion of School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (SDRRM) in Quezon City, Metro Manila. DepEd Undersecretary Alain Del B. Pascua, Dr Juliet Jeruta, Regional Director of Region 7, Ms. Ayumu Oshima, Senior Representative of JICA Philippines delivered opening messages. SEEDS Asia, DepEd DRRMS, EARTH (Emergency And Rescue Team by school staff in Hyogo) were main speakers of topics which cover all Pillar 1,2 and 3 of Comprehensive School Safety. Participants are Regional directors, Education Support Services Division (ESSD) chiefs, Regional DRRM Coordinators from all regions, selected SGOD (Schools Governance and Operations Division) chiefs, National Government Agencies, LGUs from Makati City and Cebu Province, DepEd Education Resilience Working Group and Education Cluster Partners, etc. On August 1st, SEEDS Asia conducted Capacity Building Training by EARTH Teachers to School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Instructing Team (SDRRM-IT). EARTH delivered lectures about Activities of EARTH and efforts on the Promotion of SDRRM, Initiatives of Hyogo Board of Education (BoE) Education offices on SDRRM. Participants also enjoyed a game about Evacuation shelter management. On July 30th, SEEDS Asia and EARTH paid courtesy call to Dir Co, DRRMS before the aforementioned events.
