SEEDS Asia English website

Meeting at Danang PC [Vietnam]

- SEEDS Asia Board Chairperson, Mr. Rajib visits DaNang People’s Committee -
He stayed just 3 days from June 20 to 22, however, he has a significant mission. It was to get an understanding on sustainability of DRR education project planned and organized by Danang People’s Committee (P.C.) after SEEDS Asia (S.A.)’s implementation phasing. At 8 o’clock, June 21, Mr. Rajib checked DRR module, model, supplementary teaching material, game, picture story S.A. had created so far, at 9:00 had a meeting with Mr. Chinh, Director of Department of Education and Training (DOET) in order to get his understanding and cooperation on the mission.  At 16:00, the meeting commenced at a conference room in PC building. 7 officials (including Deputy Chairperson Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan) from P.C., 2 from DOET and 5 from S.A., totally 15 participated in the meeting. The meeting duration was 30 minutes, however, fully understanding was shown from P.C.. How splendid it is! Negotiation between P.C. and DOET seemed to be carried out in advance. P.S. Next day, June 22,  one of Danang educational staff told us, “The meeting with P.C. was appeared on TV news.”


*An article about above-mentioned meeting appeared on Danang City’s website (Vietnamese only).

Please see English translation from here.






