SEEDS Asia English website

Workshop for Operations guideline [Philippines]

February 12-13, 2018 – two day follow-up workshop for School DRRM (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management) Operations Guideline and Teachers Training Design Preparation was conducted with the School Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Instructing Team in Cebu City. This is to give an update and ensure that the team will come up with a good content for their write-ups to establish an effective SDRRM Operations guidelines. The Operations Guideline involves the 4 thematic areas of DRRM including the creation of SDRRM Team Organizational Structure. During this workshop, the teacher’s training design was also drafted for the upcoming training this April. Each was assigned a certain topic to discuss including session guides for the sustainability of the project. All agreed that there must be another workshop to be conducted this March for the critiquing of session guides by a representative from DepEd (Department of Education) Region 7.
