SEEDS Asia English website

National climate change conference [Philippines]

November 20-21, 2017 – The Department of Education (DepEd) through its Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS) arm conducted the 1st national climate change conference of the Education Sector called “Addressing Climate Change Towards Resilient Education: A National Conference” at Great Eastern Hotel, Quezon City, Metro Manila. The objectives of this Conference were to heighten awareness on the impacts of climate change to children and youth, to identify the vulnerabilities of the current education system in the Philippines and to propose solutions in addressing the impacts of climate change and bridging the gap between formal and non-formal education. The event was attended by more than 500 participants coming from all the DepEd Regional Offices nationwide composed of DRRM Coordinators and Schools Division Superintendents. SEEDS Asia was given the honor to present the DRR Education (DRRE) Integration Project in Cebu Province, at one of the Side Events called “Integrating Climate Change in the K to 12 Curriculum”. Likewise, SEEDS Asia was also given an exhibit booth to showcase the DRRE initiatives. Participants showed interest to SEEDS Asia’s DRRE Integration and would like the same to be implemented in their respective jurisdictions. As a result, scaling-up of SEEDS Asia’s DRRE Integration Project will be discussed with DepEd-DRRMS by holding a capacity building training for all the Regions by next year which will be funded by the latter.
