SEEDS Asia English website

DRR Notebook [Myanmar]

Pre-monsoon season has begun in Myanmar and it is the time when cyclones often appear in Bay of Bengal as the cyclone “Narigis” hit this country 2nd May in 2008, which caused around 140,000 deaths/missing.

For the people of Myanmar, we are pleased to announce that now safety tips for disaster risk reduction in your daily life can be always seen if you open this notebook! There is some part to discuss with family members for evacuation in emergency.

Thanks to the support from FELISSIMO (one of the Japanese Companies from Kobe) that we could make this “DRR Notebook” for daily use of children and community in order to enhance their safety. Eight hazards; Cyclone, Flood, Earthquake, Tsunami,Landslide, Thunder-Lightening, Tornado and Fire are covered. We are providing this note to the participants of MKRC & WKRC (Therefore, only Myanmar language version is available).

