SEEDS Asia English website

Preparation for Simulation Exercise [Myanmar]

Requested by Relief and Resettlement Department (RRD) in Yangon, SEEDS Asia participated in preliminary ToT on 18th-19th June for local DRR leaders who were to implement the evacuation drill in the case of cyclone on 20th-21st June. Let Khoke Kone DRR local leaders consisted of members of DRR Activity Centers established by SEEDS Asia, Let Khoke Kone village disaster management committee, community members, school teachers, fire department, and Red Cross youth volunteers participated in the ToT to prepare the evacuation drill to be able to implement by themselves. To support them, SEEDS Asia played a role to coordinate for the ToT and to explain mechanism and safety tips of natural hazards with DRR education tools made by SEEDS Asia for Mobile Knowledge Resource Centre. The drill is going to be conducted tomorrow.



